Monday, August 22, 2011

Once again, Marveling at the Hand of God

Come Thou fount of every blessing tune my heart to sing Thy grace
Streams of mercy never ceasing call for songs of loudest praise.
Teach me some melodious sonnet sung by flaming tongues above.
Praise the mount I'm fixed upon it mount of Thy redeeming love.
Here I raise my Ebenezer, here by Thy great help I've come.
And I hope by Thy good pleasure safely to arrive at home.
Jesus sought me when a stranger, wandering from the fold of God.
He to rescue me from danger interposed His precious blood
Oh to grace how great a debtor daily I'm constraint to be!
Let Thy goodness like a fetter; bind my wandering heart to thee.
Prone to wander Lord I feel it prone to leave the God I love.
Here's my heart Oh take and seal it.  Seal it for thy courts above.
I sang this hymn at church this past Sunday.  A Canadian church, pastured by an East Indian converted Seik, sitting between two young addicts.  Both young ladies wanted to go to church today, persevering amidst their methadone* drowsiness & lethargy, wanting to respond to a yearning deep within them.  Jesus sought me when a stranger, wandering from the fold of God. He to rescue me from danger interposed His precious blood. These words really grabbed me today.  I was overwhelmed by the presence of God who in spite of the continued pull of the things of this world, will still draw them to Himself.  Jackie, is 4 months pregnant, has a common law husband/boyfriend in prison.  She has night terrors too often that disrupt her sleep and send her into depression.  When she was young, her stepfather used to wake her up in the night and make her watch him beat her mother.  He would also beat her and her siblings.  Dena has one foot in a life trying to recover from her addictions and abuses, but still with her other foot out there.  She is pulled by the lure of money falling back into her old lifestyle.  I kept my arm around her during much of the service to steady her as the effects of the methadone kept pulling her to sleep.  It was my joy to be with these girls there, ushering them into the presence of the Lord.  After, they thanked me and said it made them feel good to be there. Neither one of them had been to church in a long time.   It is no small task for girls like them to come to church.  A church where families consist of mom and dad and cute, well dressed children.  A church where everyone dresses just so, and looks just so.  Did these girls fit in? NO did they stand out? YES I praise God that they didn’t let that pressure keep them from coming.  God loved having them there!!  He received them with open arms!!     Oh to grace how great a debtor daily I'm constraint to be!  Let Thy goodness like a fetter; bind my wandering heart to thee.  We all come to Jesus as a sinner, in need of grace.  All of our hearts get pulled away from the Lord from time to time.  I pray that we all will take our wandering hearts back to the one who loved us and died for us.
* Methadone is a narcotic pain reliever, similar to morphine. It also reduces withdrawal symptoms in people addicted to heroin or other narcotic drugs without causing the "high" associated with the drug addiction.

Wednesday, August 10, 2011

Firsts for Me, HUGE victories for Cindy

Today I experienced some firsts.  I walked with a young lady through a difficult and low point in her recovery.  Cindy (not her real name) came to our safe house about 5 days ago, having about 25 days clean and sober.  She has lived homeless on the streets, supporting her addictions by selling drugs and being sexually exploited for much of the past 10 years.  She is pregnant, in her first trimester, after giving birth to a second child only 4 months ago.

I was reminded of Psalms 37:23,24 towards the end of this day: If the Lord delights in a man's way, He makes his steps firm; though he stumble, he will not fall, for the Lord upholds him with His hand.
Today I had the privilege of accompanying her to a court hearing concerning the adoption of her second child.  I went into it knowing that this would be a very rough day for her.  I didn’t know if she would bolt and run when she got a chance or not.  To make the situation more difficult, we had to go into the Downtown Vancouver area right in the midst of where she spent most of her years on the streets.  She was nervous about seeing old drug buddies, former “bosses” and places where she used and got loaded.  All these things could be major triggers for her to “cut and run”.  How would I handle that?  Good question – one that I hoped I wouldn’t have to answer.  
Sure enough not long after we had gotten off the one hour ride on the subway train into downtown, she began to see people she knew.  As we were walking the 6 blocks to the court house, she gave me a running commentary.  “I used to smoke crack with that guy”  “There’s a guy that used to be my boss – I still owe him money”  “That is the alley I used to sleep in, in those doorways”  “I know that girl, she is loaded and bad news”   I could go on, but you get the picture?  She was even approached by an acquaintance of hers to go to his apartment right then and smoke some crack.
I was so proud of her for facing these huge giants and walking away from them.  Was she afraid?  Yes   Was she nervous and jittery?  Yes   But did she have the courage to refuse to be dragged down by them, give in to the fear?  YES!!!!  I was able to walk along side her, encourage her to stay focused on our mission.  I was able to help her see that each time she turned away from a potential threat; she was making a successful decision, she was making a healthy choice, the right choice.
On our way back from downtown Vancouver, we had to make a stop at a government tax office to pick up some paperwork of hers.  While we were waiting for this office to open, we sat on a stoop outside so she could have smoke a cigarette.  She saw an empty package of cigarettes where we were going to sit, so she picked it up to toss it aside.  It felt heavy to her so she looked inside.  There was a crack pipe in it, and beside it, a special kind of lighter used with crack pipes.  HUGE trigger right smack in her hands!!!  She immediately gasped and threw it into the bushes, overcome with pretty panicky emotions.  After we processed the situation and she clearly knew she was choosing again to do the right thing, she was able to admit that if I hadn’t been with her, she would have taken it, gotten some crack somewhere and gotten loaded.  EVEN knowing she shouldn’t.  EVEN knowing it would have sent her into major relapse.  PRAISE GOD she wasn’t alone, that she was safe with a person she could trust to walk with her and help her make the right choices.  There will come a time when she won’t be with a support person, and these very things will come up again.  I pray that when that time comes, she will be far enough in her recovery and healthy enough to continue to make those right decisions.  TODAY she had HUGE successes!!!!  TODAY she stayed safe!!!  TODAY she is off the streets, off drugs and NOT being sexually exploited!!!
I was also drawn to Psalm 37:39,40 -  The salvation of the righteous comes from the Lord; He is their stronghold in time of trouble.  The Lord helps them and delivers them; The Lord helps them and delivers them; He delivers them from the wicked and saves them, because they take refuge in Him.   AMEN, AMEN, AMEN!!!!

Friday, July 29, 2011

Auntie Anne and Bo - knitted in spirit

I would like to introduce you to Auntie Anne.  Anne is a client at the program we are working with.  Bo has had the opportunity to stay at this house a couple of time since we moved here.  Bo and Anne have bonded in a great way.  He sleeps on her bed, runs up the stairs to her room when he is there.
Anne recognizes the fear, insecurity and panic that Bo so often displays.  She has walked in that cycle for many years herself.  After years of drug/alcohol abuse & sexual exploitation, Anne has committed herself to a clean and sober lifestyle as well as giving her heart to the Lord and seeking Him for guidance.

“He himself bore our sins” in his body on the cross, so that we might die to sins and live for righteousness; “by his wounds you have been healed. For “you were like sheep going astray,”  but now you have returned to the Shepherd and Overseer of your souls.  1 Peter2:24,25
Anne & Bo share a connection because of their wounded soul, but how much more does Christ connect with us, emphasizing with our sinfulness and drawing us to Himself, to deliver us from our fear, insecurity and panic.
Anne has finished enough continuing education and is now able to find employment in the medical assistance field.  Please pray for Anne that she will continue to have strength to resist the temptations of this world.  Bo could also use some inner healing too!!
**Anne is not her real name.  Her picture and story has been used with her permission**

Thursday, June 23, 2011

"Bo" ministers to abused young lady

Yesterday Aaron and I had an opportunity to visit with a young lady we will call Amber.  It turns out that Bo, our dog, did more for Amber than we did.  For sometime, we have had the premonision that Bo our little Yorkshire Terrier, would be able to touch the hearts of women coming out of abusive/exploited life styles.  We took Bo with us to visit with Amber, a young lady in the process of getting out of a lifestyle of prostitution, trafficking, exotic dancing, drugs & alcohol.  Bo, being the cutie pie that he is, is a magnet for affection.  We shared with Amber what kind of a life Bo used to have.  Living in a cage for 8 1/2 years, being used solely for stud purposes, not knowing the kind touch of a human, not knowing how to be a normal dog.  As I described how Bo is too afraid to come out of his crate on his own, how I have to pull him out, Amber tears up and says, "I know exactly how he feels!"  When I told her how Bo discovered running and jumping in wide open spaces for the first time, her heart broke with compassion and understanding.  Amber reached out to Bo to love on him and was loved in return.  It was an "Ah Ha" moment for Aaron and I.  The fulfillment of something we both sensed in our spirits would happen.  AND IT DID!!!!  Amber was then able to share her journey with us, people whom she had never met before.  It was a very special time.  Amber is the very girl that we could help thru Engedi Ministries.  If we had a home open today, she would be there.  Please pray for Amber as she continues on her journey to wholeness.  The triggers and temptations surround her daily.  Pray for us that Engedi House will be able to get off the ground, finding the right property and funding for it etc...
Bojangles  - "Bo"

Friday, May 20, 2011

On the Road Again

The time has come to say good-bye to our family and friends in Tulsa.  The last 26 years for us as a couple and for myself the last 37 years, have been such a blessing.  We have been fortunate to have loved and been loved by my incredible family and the best friends one could have.  We will truly miss everyone of them.  BUT, we look forward to the new adventure that we are embarking on.  We are now full time missionaries, launching our ministry Engedi Refuge Ministries, Inc.   We leave Tulsa for good on June 11th.

We will spend the next year or two volunteering in a ministry that provides safe houses, abuse recovery, emotional healing and educational opportunities.  We will be in Surrey BC  Canada.  Surrey is a suburb of Vancouver.  I (Lea) have been asked if I would take on administrative duties at the Learning Center and be the Respite House Director. These duties will range from training & coordinating all respite volunteers, doing respite care myself, participating in "group" sessions, client support, manage a myriad of things such as social media, website, food management for both safe houses and a lot more. It will give me a broad range of experience and influence in the lives of the clients that are getting help and how to operate a safe house ministry.

Aaron will be involved in several aspects of our ministry such as speaking to men’s groups, bringing awareness & education on the issues from a man’s perspective & raising funds for Engedi Refuge. He will be bringing faith based messages, as opportunities allow, that promote issues such as reaching out to the poor and marginalized in our society. Aaron will also be teaching workshops on how to care for victims that are rescued thru the "Hands that Heal" curriculum, as well as leading "Stop the Demand" seminars for men. He will also be developing and promoting our "One Church, One Victim" program that is an initiative for churches to take in one victim and with the help of the body of Christ, provide an atmosphere of healing & restoration in a supportive environment thru available resources within the church community.

After a year or two of learning and interning in Surrey, we will move to Washington and establish Engedi House - a safe house under the umbrella of Engedi Refuge Ministries, Inc
You can learn move about Engedi Refuge on our website