Friday, May 20, 2011

On the Road Again

The time has come to say good-bye to our family and friends in Tulsa.  The last 26 years for us as a couple and for myself the last 37 years, have been such a blessing.  We have been fortunate to have loved and been loved by my incredible family and the best friends one could have.  We will truly miss everyone of them.  BUT, we look forward to the new adventure that we are embarking on.  We are now full time missionaries, launching our ministry Engedi Refuge Ministries, Inc.   We leave Tulsa for good on June 11th.

We will spend the next year or two volunteering in a ministry that provides safe houses, abuse recovery, emotional healing and educational opportunities.  We will be in Surrey BC  Canada.  Surrey is a suburb of Vancouver.  I (Lea) have been asked if I would take on administrative duties at the Learning Center and be the Respite House Director. These duties will range from training & coordinating all respite volunteers, doing respite care myself, participating in "group" sessions, client support, manage a myriad of things such as social media, website, food management for both safe houses and a lot more. It will give me a broad range of experience and influence in the lives of the clients that are getting help and how to operate a safe house ministry.

Aaron will be involved in several aspects of our ministry such as speaking to men’s groups, bringing awareness & education on the issues from a man’s perspective & raising funds for Engedi Refuge. He will be bringing faith based messages, as opportunities allow, that promote issues such as reaching out to the poor and marginalized in our society. Aaron will also be teaching workshops on how to care for victims that are rescued thru the "Hands that Heal" curriculum, as well as leading "Stop the Demand" seminars for men. He will also be developing and promoting our "One Church, One Victim" program that is an initiative for churches to take in one victim and with the help of the body of Christ, provide an atmosphere of healing & restoration in a supportive environment thru available resources within the church community.

After a year or two of learning and interning in Surrey, we will move to Washington and establish Engedi House - a safe house under the umbrella of Engedi Refuge Ministries, Inc
You can learn move about Engedi Refuge on our website

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